


Liability and information according to § 5 TMG:

nosh Hermann-Biechele-Strasse 9 78343 Gaienhofen Germany Representatives: Tanya Wagner-Klausmann

Contact: E-Mail: Phone: +49 172 345 6164 Tax number: 18387/21282

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8 years ago


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Since nosh GmbH was founded  in 2006, we have been privileged to provide our expertise to the following companies.

privacy policy

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We are very delighted that you have shown interest in our enterprise. Data protection is of a particularly high priority for the management of nosh. The use of the Internet …
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10 years ago


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The financial goals of any service industry establishment are achieved through soft skills. The ability of management to understand their target market, as well as the particular ‘personality’ of that …
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product & process
10 years ago

product & process

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A unique service product sets apart every establishment including the processes that ensure quality at each touch point.  As the service industry is guaranteed to evolve constantly, the fine details …
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10 years ago


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The biggest asset of any business is their people, the team.  The service industry is measured by the service provided by staff and their ability to adapt to clients as …
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consulting overview
10 years ago

consulting overview

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Our consulting firm aims to work together with our clients through building trust, sharing knowledge, experience and transparency, propelling their establishment onto the highest level of service. Our team offers …
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personal profile

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Tanya Wagner-Klausmann has dedicated her time and passion working in the Hotel and Restaurant industry, over the past thirty years. She was born and raised in South Africa and …
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10 years ago


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nosh was founded with the vision with bringing the Hotel and Restaurant Industry support in all aspects of the business, including other service based industries. We strive to assist our clients in realising the full potential of their business.

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